Design the spatial, operation workflow and services for the customer needs


The objective for me and the team of 12 is to redesign the customer service centre towards the core customer tasks and further improve the operation efficiency.

The approach is to understand the customer needs, the macro trends impacting them, how the operation workforce working for the customer and then map out the As-Is service blueprint to identify the gaps.

Research, sensor data, interviews with customers revealed what the want and need: in-control, flexible and clear directory experiences; energizing and uplifting spaces; personal service; and integrated technology to enable hassle free self-service. The core focus is to empower customer service team consider themselves to be customer’ trusted and knowing hosts.

To achieve the goal, we focused on improving service in 5 key moments, then built a cardboard mockup of some of the concepts and tested the service in a full section with customers and operation workforces. This prototyping process was crucial, as executives witnessed firsthand how big an impact the new service would have across the organization.

Rolling out across the China and Hong Kong, Prudential’s hospitable new service is already getting a good reception among customer service teams. Also, streamline agents, finance and underwriting operation journey and create multiple digital initiatives to enhance their operation efficiency with connected POS, policies management and workflow management utilities.



Customer drop off cut down


operation cost reduction