Based on customer insights, drives for value exchange business model
I led a team of 16, look to push and inspire Maxis mindset to be more experimental, collaborative and design services that put customer first.
We went couple of customer in-home interviews to discover their unmet needs, lifestyle behavior and current product & services interaction. Based on service value chains, we created 86 concepts sketches and grouped them into 8 key concept areas.
Then, we ran two sessions of co-creation workshop with Maxis’s senior leadership to prioritize the key service concepts and reimagine the new business model.
After the co-creation workshop, we quickly create prototypes of the service concepts and test it against the customers. Based on the impact and feasibility, we create a portfolio of initiatives in a 3 years strategic roadmap and look to build the initiatives to live.
As a result, we create digital ecosystem that serves across entertainment, health, retail, F&B, Home and wealth with business partners and consumers. Also, we change Maxis culture, way of working and launch a innovation hub to create value.